The DK Bridal Debut

While in high school, I worked as a banquet server at a wedding reception hall in New Orleans. I was consistently captivated by the joy and seemingly tangible aura of love that filled the air. The highlight of my job was turning on the twinkly lights as the bride stepped out of the carriage. Seeing the reactions - instant tears, gasps, and the bride's excitement—never failed to move me. These wonderful experiences alongside my passion for all things romantic leave me with little doubt that my art was destined to take this path.

The DK Bridal Debut marks the first of many in my knit bridal collection. This project uses the bridal gown as a conduit to explore the expression of both self and union within the concept of matrimony. I feel both topics need reconsideration considering how far we've moved from the traditional sense of marriage.

Bringing knit textiles into the world of bridal fashion is my contribution to the shifting tides of marriage. Steering away from archaic notions of ownership deeply rooted in patriarchy & instead, focusing on the mutual desire to publicly celebrate the unique connection shared between partners who make each other teel cherished and understood. I believe that knitwear pertectly embodies this concept, exuding a sense of intimacy & commitment similar to the hearttelt depths of love itself. Also, despite its timeless appeal, knitwear has only recently begun to escape the confinement of its original intention: sweaters.

Understanding (and relishing in) the fact that art is subjective, I only ask that as you observe these works, you consider the essence of the brides exhibited, the implied impact of their partners, and the emotions evoked within yourself by these designs. Thank you.

- Donaka Katherine of DK Bridal